April 17, 2007

Taxi to the Dark Side: Bagram Abuses (finally) Explored

The Huffington Post (click on the title of this post to go there) is reporting on a sneak preview of the new documentary Taxi to the Dark Side, which focuses on the abuse and murder of two detainees at the U.S. military-run Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. I write about Bagram in my book, so it's gratifying to hear that someone has continued to press for more information on the incidents that took place there, which are too often overshadowed by the Abu Ghraib scandal.

April 06, 2007

Good War in Wash Post, Subliminally

I got this email this morning from Peter Manseau ed. of Killing the Buddha (www.killingthebuddha.com):

Hi Dave --

I just spotted this and thought you'd get a kick out of it: a Home
section feature by Sally Quinn, wife of former Post editor Ben
Bradlee, about how to decorate. There's an interactive image of her
library, and sure enough A Good War is Hard to Find is there on the
coffee table:


I could spot that cover a mile away!

Hope this finds you well,

April 03, 2007

Another Review...This one at Bookslut


April 01, 2007

Religion and Activism Blog (Pie and Coffee) to Host A Discussion of Good War

Check out the site "Pie and Coffee: Activism, Religion Hospitality" at www.pieandcoffee.org for a week-long discussion of "A Good War is Hard to Find." Pie and Coffee is run, according to the site, by "Catholic Wokers, personalists and Adam Villani."

For those of you not familiar with the Catholic Worker Movement, check out Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Worker_Movement) and www.catholicworker.org

Thanks to Pie and Coffee for hosting the discussion.