October 30, 2006

Killing the Buddha

Killing the Buddha, the "religion magazine for people made nervous by churches," has published an excerpt from Good War.  Check it out and make sure you stay to read their other high-quality articles and essays. 


Thanks to Peter Manseau, the editor of KtB, and author of Vows and coauthor of Killing the Buddha with Jeff Sharlet, editor of The Revealer, www.therevealer.org


Anonymous said...

Hi - I'm afraid that there is a reason no one realised you were suposed to be Captain Kirk in your costume. You were wearing the wrong colour: Kirk always wore yellow.

I know this is dumb thing to talk about with such a serious essay, but it really took away from your essay for me, since the confusion of the others just made sense.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for commenting. Of course, you're right. Kirk wore yellow, something I didn't know--like I say in the essay, I'm not a Trek fan--until I went through an entire night of people asking me if I'm one of the dudes who dies.

My error is part of the humor, but I guess that's not funny if you're a true Trek fan.
